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Another great RWCDF luncheon was held on April 14th and featured an excellent speaker, Mr. Devon Westhill, president and general counsel of the Center for Equal Opportunity.  His speech was fascinating as he described the Center's ongoing fight against affirmative action in colleges and universities.   There is so much work to be done in this culture war battle.  This meeting was also a very special one as it was the first time in our club's history that we were able to award $1000 scholarships to three truly outstanding young high school seniors to further their education after graduation.  These young women and their schools are:  Grace Randall, Classical Conversations Homeschool; Yasmeen Rangbaran, The Bolles School; and Emily Soud, The Covenant School of Jacksonville.  Ellen Sullivan and her Scholarship Committee introduced these accomplished young ladies and recognized their academic, activity and community service achievements, which were quite remarkable.  Several candidates introduced themselves and addressed the group before the close of the meeting.  Our next monthly luncheon will be May 12, 2022.  Don't miss it!!

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Republican Women’s Club of Duval Federated
10111 San Jose Blvd
Suite 6
Jacksonville, Florida 32257


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