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The Florida Federation of Republican Women Spring Conference was held March 4-6, 2022 in Tallahassee, FL and it was outstanding.  Day 1 included meetings at the Capitol with Lt. Governor Jeanette Nunez, Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis, as well as several of our legislators and other officials of our State government.  We also observed legislative proceedings from the galleries in the House and the Senate, and attended a reception at the James Madison Institute.  Day 2 was jam-packed with speakers including America's Governor Ron DeSantis; several Florida Senators and Representatives; the Honorable Mark Meadows; the Honorable Cleta Mitchell; Katie Hopkins, who is the immensely entertaining English media personality whose social media presence and outspoken views on her love for her country, the United States, and freedom are legendary; and a reception that afternoon with Speaker of the House Designate Paul Renner.  After dinner, we had speakers Congressman Byron Donalds and Congresswoman Claudia Tenney, there was a live auction, then ended the evening with Legislative Awards and Achievement Awards.  Day 3 our speakers were Tina Descovich, founder of Moms for Liberty; Alex Sanchez, CEO of the Florida Bankers Assn; presentations by the Legislative and Membership Chairs of the FFRW; and the NFRW Vision for the next 2 years by Eileen Sobjack, National Federation of Republican Women president.  When you have the opportunity to attend a FFRW or NFRW conference, go for it!  You will learn so much, meet such amazing women, and your belief in our country and the importance of conservative, constitutionally-based leadership will be strengthened and supported.  Republican women rock!!

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Republican Women’s Club of Duval Federated
10111 San Jose Blvd
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Jacksonville, Florida 32257


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