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Wow!!  There has been a hotly contested City Council At-Large Seat election in Duval County, and Election Day was the same day as this month's Women, Wine and Wisdom event.  The RWCDF members spent countless hours on phone banking, text messaging, door knocking and social media posting, also functioning as poll workers and poll watchers for this election.  So, the W3 event was combined this month with the REC (Republican Executive Committee) election night Watch Party at Culhane's in the Southside area for our excellent Republican candidate, Nick Howland.  Many members arrived early to continue working on phone banking and text messaging - to Get Out The Vote in the last 2 hours before the polls closed - before our meeting began.  Others continued to fill the room as the time drew near and three of our local TV station news crews arrived.  Our program began and our guest speaker, Congressman John Rutherford, gave us an inspiring message about our Men and Women in Blue, and how crucial it is for us to stay the course and continue to fight for great American values for our city, state and country.   A very short time after the polls closed, we started receiving updates on the vote count and........the winner was NICK HOWLAND by a good margin!  Our new City Councilman spoke to "the troops," he was interviewed by the press, and the celebration began.  This race was supposed to be razor-edge close, with the anticipation that there may even need to be a recount, but the herculean efforts by the members of the REC, the RWCDF and all other Republican clubs in Duval County inspired a big voter turnout and our excellent candidate won.  Such good news for our city!  Enjoy the photos and come join this dynamic group of women.  Be sure to sign up (under EVENTS link above) for our upcoming monthly luncheon on Thursday, March 10th and/or our next W3 evening on Tuesday, March 22nd.  

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Uploaded 24 Feb 2022 | Anonymous

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Republican Women’s Club of Duval Federated
10111 San Jose Blvd
Suite 6
Jacksonville, Florida 32257


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