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The March Women, Wine & Wisdom event was held on 3-22-22 at the Village Bread Cafe on Riverplace Blvd by the beautiful St. Johns River.  The invocation was given by member Cheryl Grabill and our President Esther Byrd led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.   Member Debbie Plotts introduced our excellent guest speaker, Congressman Greg Steube of the 17th Congressional District in Southwest Florida.  He serves on the House Judiciary and Foreign Affairs Committees in Congress, fighting for conservative immigration policies, faith-based values and responsible government.   There was a question-and-answer period afterward and we all wished it could have gone on much longer.   Several candidates in upcoming elections spoke to introduce themselves to everyone who attended.  Stay informed on what's going on in our city, state and the country!  Be sure to sign up for the next RWCDF luncheon on April 14th at the San Jose Country Club and/or the next W3 on April 26th with location to be determined.  You'll be SO glad you did!

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Republican Women’s Club of Duval Federated
10111 San Jose Blvd
Suite 6
Jacksonville, Florida 32257


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